Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chaos is imperfection Our inclination is to make every thing perfect and organize. If something is not properly align we want to correct it, that is because we come from a perfect place. Creation comes from a desire to define who/what we are and by creating we are searching for perfection. But all we truly know is how to make a mess. Therefore, the messiest/wackiest/craziest people make the most interesting creations e.g Basquiat, Van Gogh etc. Disorder spurs creativity because INTUITION IS OUR BEST GUIDE... Chaos is a good thing. Innovation comes from desperation. Desperation is due to disorder. Disorder spurs creativity and that's what evolves our society...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

So I was suppose to leave for Europe/Africa this week but I still didn't receive my passport. In short I missed my departure and had to reschedule. Will keep you posted...

Friday, March 2, 2012

PaperDoll Omaha, NE USA

I spent the last few weeks working on contributing to a nice new look for Paperdoll Boutique (6107 Maple St. Omaha, Ne 68104) go check it out. It was a very fun project, i painted the dressing stalls, built the glass counter which a not as easy as thought. I'm still working on a multi-shelf box puzzle installation...